The 14th International Teleconference of Young Researchers “Creating the Society of Consciousness”, 14-15 March 2025

The Academy of Economic Studies of Moldova,  the Department of Information Technology and Information Management and the Department of Statistics and Economic Forecasting, in collaboration with the „ASEM Seniors” Association, the Romanian-American Academy of Arts and Sciences (California, USA), University of Kalisz (Poland), D. A. Tsenov Academy of Economics (Svishtov, Bulgaria), Odesa National University of Technology (Ukraine), is organizing the 14th edition of the International Teleconference of Young Researchers, entitled „Creating a Society of Consciousness” (TELE-2025).”

 The International Teleconference of Young Researchers, entitled „Creating a Society of Consciousness”, is one of the first scientific events organized in online format in Moldova. In the previous 13 editions, TELE has brought together researchers from over 10 countries, contributing  to researches in the field of information technologies, artificial intelligence, robo-intelligence and solutions for healthy aging. The papers presented at TELE have been published in prestigious scientific journals, including the Ara Journals series of the Romanian-American Academy of Arts and Sciences (ARA) Ara Journals.

The 14th International Teleconference of Young Researchers “Creating the Society of Consciousness” aims to bring to the forefront the innovative research of young specialists in the field of artificial intelligence, cybersecurity and the digital economy.

TELE-2025 aims to facilitate the exchange of ideas and promote interdisciplinary collaborations, support the development of an intelligent and sustainable society. Discussions and scientific presentations during the event will contribute to the generation of solutions applicable in the contemporary technological and social environment.

Conference panels:

  • Emerging Information Technologies: Artificial Intelligence and Data Analytics for the Digital Future.
  • Cybersecurity and Risk Management in the Digital Age.
  • Development Trends of the Digital Economy.
  • Digital Solutions for Social Inclusion and Healthy Aging.

 The conference will be conducted as a hybrid event, allowing participants the flexibility to present either via the Zoom platform or in person. 




STRATAN Alexandru,Prof., Rector of the Academy of Economic Studies of Moldova, Republic of Moldova


Academy of Economic Studies of Moldova
Academia Româno-Americană de Arte și Științe, California, SUA
University of Kalisz, Poland
D. A. Tsenov Academy of Economics, Svishtov, Bulgaria
Odesa National University of Technology, Ukraine
ASEM Seniors
University of Economic Studies from Bucharest, Romania
Stefan cel Mare University, Suceava, Romania
Lucian Blaga University, Sibiu, Romania
Alexandru Ioan Cuza University of Iași, Romania
Universitatea de Medicină, Farmacie, Științe și Tehnologie „George Emil Palade”, Târgu Mureș, România

COCIUG Victoria, Vice Rector for Research and Partnerships, ASEM, Republic of Moldova,

MIHAILA Svetlana, Director of the Doctoral School of ASEM, Republic of Moldova,

TODOROI Dumitru, PhD hab., professor, m.c. ARA,  Academy of Economic Studies of Moldova, 

OHRIMENCO Serghei, PhD hab., professor, Academy of Economic Studies of Moldova, 

GUJUMAN Lucia, assoc. prof., PhD, Academy of Economic Studies of Moldova,

CAPATINA Valentina, assoc. prof., PhD, Academy of Economic Studies of Moldova, 

BULGAC Corina, assoc. prof., PhD, Academy of Economic Studies of Moldova,

TOACA Zinovia, assoc. prof., PhD, Academy of Economic Studies of Moldova, 

HIRBU Eduard, assoc. prof., PhD, Academy of Economic Studies of Moldova,

TUTUNARU Sergiu, assoc. prof., PhD, Academy of Economic Studies of Moldova, 

TURCAN Aurelia, assoc. prof., PhD, Academy of Economic Studies of Moldova, 

ANDRONATIEV Victor, assoc. prof., PhD, Academy of Economic Studies of Moldova, 

BARACTARI Anatolie, assoc. prof., PhD, Academy of Economic Studies of Moldova, 

ZGUREANU Aureliu, assoc. prof., PhD, Academy of Economic Studies of Moldova, 

ROMANOVA Anastasia, assoc. prof., PhD, Academy of Economic Studies of Moldova, 

LOZAN Victoria, assoc. prof., PhD, Academy of Economic Studies of Moldova, 

HIRBU Stella, PhD, Academy of Economic Studies of Moldova, 

 CHICU Olga, lecturer, Academy of Economic Studies of Moldova,

MORARU Maria, lecturer, Academy of Economic Studies of Moldova, 

CATRUC Adriana, PhD student, lecturer, Academy of Economic Studies of Moldova,

CEBAN Svetlana, lecturer, Academy of Economic Studies of Moldova,

TAPCOV Varvara, lecturer, Academy of Economic Studies of Moldova,

SOLTANICI Veronica, lecturer, Academy of Economic Studies of Moldova,

SOTROPA Iulian, student CIE-22, Academy of Economic Studies of Moldova




COCIUG Victoria, Vice Rector for Research and Partnerships, Academy of Economic Studies of Moldova, 

MIHAILA Svetlana, Director of the Doctoral School of Academy of Economic Studies of Moldova, 

CASIAN Angela, PhD assoc. prof., Prim-prorector, prorector cu activitate didactică, Academy of Economic Studies of Moldova 

TODOROI Dumitru, PhDhab., professor, Academy of Economic Studies of Moldova, 

VIDU Ruxandra, PhD professor, Președinte ARA, University of California Davis, 

IONESCU Bogdan, PhDprofessor, University of Economic Studies, Romania, 

VERES Cristina, PhD, University of Medicine, Pharmacy, Science and Technology “George Emil Palade” Targu Mures, Romania,

GEORGESCU Radu-Mircea, PhD professor, Alexandru Ioan Cuza University of Iași, Romania, 

OHRIMENCO Serghei, PhDhab., professor, Academy of Economic Studies of Moldova, 

CRISTESCU Marian-Pompiliu PhD professor, Lucian Blaga University, Sibiu, Romania, 

SHISHMANOV Krasimir  PhD professor, D. A. Tsenov Academy of Economics, Svishtov, Bulgaria,

MANASTERSKA Tatiana PhD professor, University of Kalisz, Poland,

VELEV Dimiter, PhD professor, University of National and World Economy,

GUJUMAN Lucia, PhD assoc. prof., Academy of Economic Studies of Moldova, 

BULGAC Corina, PhD assoc. prof., m. c. ARA, Academy of Economic Studies of Moldova, 

TOACA Zinovia, PhD assoc. prof., m. c. ARA, Academy of Economic Studies of Moldova, 

CAPATINA Valentina, PhD assoc. prof., Academy of Economic Studies of Moldova,  

HIRBU Eduard, PhD assoc. prof., m.c. ARA, Academy of Economic Studies of Moldova,

MACOVEI Anamaria-Geanina PhD assoc. prof.,  Ştefan cel Mare University of Suceava, Romania 

ZGUREANU Aureliu, PhD assoc. prof., Academy of Economic Studies of Moldova, 

ANDRONATIEV Victor, PhD assoc. prof., Academy of Economic Studies of Moldova,

TUTUNARU Sergiu, conf., univ.,dr, Academy of Economic Studies of Moldova, 

TURCAN Aurelia, conf., univ.,dr, , Academy of Economic Studies of Moldova, 

DOBRIANSKA Natalia, PhDassoc. prof., Odesa National Technological University,

SHEPELEVA Olga, PhDassoc. prof., Odesa National Technological University, 

LOZAN Victoria, PhDlec, univ., Academy of Economic Studies of Moldova,  

HIRBU Stella, PhD lect. univ., Academy of Economic Studies of Moldova

Important dates:

  • Deadline for registration and abstract submission (in English): February 28, 2025
  • Confirmation of acceptance: March 5, 2025
  • Deadline for the presentation of theses/extended abstract:  March 25, 2025
  • The template for submitting theses is available ABSTRACT TEMPLATE
  • All the publishing opportunities are free of charge.

Please complete the application form by clicking on the button below. REGISTRATION

We look forward to your participation and contribution to the success of this academic event!

P.S. Please share the invitation with your colleagues.

Do not hesitate to contact us if you need additional information:,


President of the Organizing Committee,
dr. hab., prof. unuv., m.c. al AȘM
Alexandru STRATAN,
Rector, Academy of Economic Studies of Moldova (AESM)